Plague Songs - Barbarians / by Rich Hobbs

The barbarians are not at the gates.

    They’re through the gates.

        They built the gates,

Granting ingress through the walls they built

    From what they pillaged from your homes

To hang from them the gates they fashioned

    From your children’s bones.

The barbarians aren’t at the gates.

    They threw up gates 

        To other gates

To herd us to the temples spired with gold,

    Wherein we’re sacrificed and might appease

The gods they fear and thus ward off

    Barbarian disease.

The barbarians are not at the gates.

    Their loping gait’s

        A measured gait;

Barbarian ways have been refined;

    Silk shirts replacing uncured yak pelt hats.

Yet farts still follow through, with orange shit

    Speckling their spats.

The barbarians aren’t at the gates.

    They’re far too great,

        And it’s too late

To get all pious about integrity and truth

    Or simple kindness, with a rueful pang.

We’ve known them far too long so know that that’s not

    How barbarians hang.