Plague Songs - They’ve Cancelled Death / by Rich Hobbs

They cancelled Glasto, Wimbledon, the fete,

So now they’ve cancelled Death -

Though with the promise it’ll be back here next year.

It seems it isn’t safe.

That social distancing the teeming souls

Along the Styx’s sepulchral banks won’t wash.

And so a cos-play minister,

Another mediocre crank who’s just short-strawed the presser,

Lies and squeals “Another first for Britain!”

Ranks of caught reporters’ heads,

Like bits and bobs some nutcase keeps in jars to sate his scientific interest,

Nod from the surrounding screens.

So they furloughed the plumed horses,

The gravediggers and morticians,

While the crematoria cooled.

And the sick get sicker

With no chances of a last blessed release,

Just stacked in artics spiralling round each town.

And irrespective of their recent callous flush,

The care homes become black holes of Calcutta,

A leafy streeted scandal now a tinderbox that never quite explodes.

And if some whining trolls in The Spectator

Demand their Right to Die as English Freedom’s Bounty,

We all just check our phones

Then zoom Eternity

Connecting to the Great Beyond remotely

With a screenful of screaming brown snowstorming static

And furtively check emails,

And maybe nod if some white noise grabs at something edging sense,

Paying no attention to the far off comedy screams.