Left on Hold / by Rich Hobbs

Do you still remember when

They kept the whole wide world on hold

And we sat there waiting months

Just left out hanging in the cold

Month on neverending month

While every week or so a voice

Blamed the volume of our calls

As if this whole thing was our choice

While they played us scratchy trance

And ears numbed and hands went dead

Til, eventually, it changed

To endless days of Simply Red?

And do you remember still

How hypnotised by their delay

Thought would drain away to leave

Our reveries the space to play,

To imagine other paths

To future possibilities

And alternatives took flight

Each spawning new infinities

Of how to live, what to do,

A Galaxy of Different Worlds,

Sat there, waiting, left on hold,

While inside all those knots unfurled?

Then with a cardiac click

A voice in Bangalore or Bray

Said "Sorry that you had to wait.

What can we do for you today?"

Then their flat Call Centre tones

Announced "Full Service is Resumed!"

Worlds inside your head collapse:

Our old, dead one has been exhumed;

The possibilities constrict;

We're stitched in a tightening suture,

Despatched, packed in a cardboard cage,

To our claustrophobic future.