Plague Songs - Ricochet / by Rich Hobbs

For Jon, in loving memory

I performed my private obsequies

    last night with Scotch and white wine

Then bawled my eyes out in the garden 

    as the weather finally broke

And when I’d visited at lunchtime

    We gave him days instead of hours

But he rushed ahead and died just

    after teatime.

Everyone has always measured out

    their lives in eating

And since his diagnosis we planned

    dining, once a month,

While time allowed, though Death’s Pandemic spree

    put paid to that.

Jon was just a sideshow to the Grand Covid Parade,

    a small pernicious instant

Of what, we agreed yesterday,

    is always, always coming.

    Always will.

It’s still cracked the World to pieces,

    the shards whining back to ricochet

Through decades,

    then forever.