Plague Songs - Have You Done The Covid Test? / by Rich Hobbs

Have you done the Covid Test

        The Covid Test

        The Covid Test

Have you done the Covid Test

    I did one just last week

Had the shits and a fever too

        100! Phew!

        In bed! Who knew?

To be safe & be thoughtful too

    I ordered one online

I’ve had Covid but you don’t know

        Another throw

        Could strike me low

So best to give a test a go

    It turned up the next day

Stuck a swab straight down my throat

        Past my tongue’s moat

        Gagged like a goat

Then stuck it up my nose to coat

    The swab in mucal slime

We bagged it up - this wasn’t easy

        Feeling queasy 

        And slightly wheezy

My guts churning like the Zambesi

    And then posted it back

My Covid Test was negative!

        I’d been a div!

        But now I’d live!

For such a chance, what would they give,

    All those they never tested?

They never had a Covid Test

        Were not blessed

        Were second-guessed

And so were sent unto their rest

    Thousands upon thousands

By liars, cranks, cowards and thieves

        A family grieves

        A mourner leaves

Death ever gathers in the sheaves

    Just never forget.