Plague Songs - World Day Day / by Rich Hobbs

Today’s it’s World Day Day,

A special day to mark

Our Earth’s diurnal round,

To honour the quotidien

Where everyone can celebrate

By getting Twenty-foury!

Make 24 new friends,

Plant 24 new trees,

Dream 24 fresh plans,

Earn 24 more scars

Although sadly, from Victoria

In Australia

Via Vienna to Valparaiso,

The celebrations, on the hour,

The kids’ events, each minute,

And the son et lumieres at dawn and dusk

Have all had to be cancelled

    Due to Covid

Plus, to be honest,

    Complete worldwide indifference.

It’s fared better though

Than the International

Month of the Month,

Whose organising committee,

Made up of 

Chronologists, astrologers and

Calendar printers from all the nations

Convening in Tblisi,

Once they’d voted down

The motion to rebrand it all

As a Memorial Month for Menstruation,

Proceeded to break up into factions,

The Thirtyites screaming imprecations

    At their Thirty-Oner foes

Before a tiny splinter group of

Twenty-Eightist terrorists planted bombs

And slew their now all-male, blue-suited

Fellow delegates and now,

Ironically, after they’d stormed

The Palais de la Paix,

Still languishing through more uncounted months

In a desert prison camp

While their respective Governments

Wrangle an agreement

    On the charges to be laid.

Happily the United Nations’ Year Year

To honour the affrighted globe’s

Annual orbit round our fiery sun,

Swinging round in never ending circles

Like a sick and drugged-up wombat on a leash,

Has gone ahead as planned,

With some obvious curtailment

    Due to Covid.

Though frankly, the joy’s drained from it, 

Even from the ferocity of adherents

To various faiths’ alternative New Years

So when a family street party up in Bergen,

Though unlicenced, had sought

To join in the official fun

But just got tear-gassed by the cops instead

No one,

Not even the most bat-shit crazy libertarian

Cared less.

Indeed, hiding masked inside out homes

Almost all of us agreed

The earnest nerds

    Deserved it.