Plague Songs - Past The Pastoral / by Rich Hobbs

By now I reckon I’m way past the pastoral,

Beyond beguilement 

Immunised against contagious charms

The shallowed streams of dappled glamour

Contrived to pogrom trout;

The hedgerows’ anarchism, fecund mutuality

Shouldered like everything into the margins,

Edged out, then forced to fortress the 

Multiple stab wounds of tilled fields;

The monotony of monocultures servicing monopolists

And comehithering the townies like a burnt out ladyboy.

And all of it as glitteringly contrived as an 

18th Century automaton in subfusc,

Its china hands still jerking round

The same old endless card trick,

Watched with a soft-palating of gurgles 

From the porch of Cotswolds cottages

The hue of earwax.

Though, for the briefest interlude,

As Earth tried once again to 

Shrug us off like a 

Lingering bad cold

The native chaos looked like fighting back

Before retreating once again to bide its time

And actually

The absence of that eternal trunkroad hum

Beneath uncrosshatched skies,

The patchwork silences below the birdsong,

Merely evoked an earlier nostalgic age

When cycle-clipped folklorists

Wrapped in tweed and tight ideals

Pedalled down the crunchy lanes

To lone, hagridden hamlets

To ameliorate Industrialised Warfare

     By confiscating culture.