Plague Songs - Haute Couture (in the High Style) / by Rich Hobbs

The husks of harvested cocoons 

    Lie strewn across the salon floor

        Like skulls from a late 14th century Asiatic battle;

The zinc baths bristle, acidically

    drizzling dissolving gristle into vats

        to liberate the trim from taints of flesh

And knurled thimbles, prized,

    Are prised from pricking thumbs to roll

        Quite unsurprisingly beneath the plan chest in the corner.

They fall from hands whose spans

    Have spun the looms to stretch the thread

        Towards the invisibility of spiders’ silk

            And as inescapably, webbily, envelopingly sticky as a swab.

And the stitching is exquisite.

    The patterns in the plan chest, chalked templates

        Covering greasy tracing paper & pinpricked to a bruise,

He cuts a different way.

But the stitching is exquisite,

    Warp and wefting through the billions of junctions,

        Just snagging for a second on the pointillistic air

            Then double stitching through each brace of lungs, then to the next

                In blurs of movement sleeker than machines.

He leans back, half admires the cut,

    Glances at her sleeping, listless, sad,

        Eczema’d by human greed and folly. 

Then he drapes the garment, intangible as dreams

        And gossamer as an escaping thought and sheer as a miniscus

Across her curving form.

Earth bridles, yawns, then shrugs. 

    And then snuggles and rubs her warming Arctic 

        Against his mushroom stubble.

“Oh darling!” purrs the planet, 

    And hugging her Pandemic frock around her, smiles and coos

        “My clever virus! This is just divine!”

Elsewhere some low, unhappy creatures

    Farmed for fur and fury

        And non-consensually essential to High Fashion,

Continue coughing in their crates.