Plague Songs - Armistice Day / by Rich Hobbs

Six whole months ago today

I opened up a Second Front

All of my own, my little war

To bear witness and raise morale

Through tiny actions, slogans daubed

On to a burnt out outhouse wall,

Seditious homilies on cards

Inserted into library books,

And hieroglyphs stencilled beneath

The moon’s face, masked with fleeting clouds,

Over another poster of some square-jawed heroine.

And who knows? I may graduate

To cutting the telegraph wires,

Blowing up overgrown branch lines,

Taking potshots at a general

Sipping pastis in a café

But merely singe the epaulettes

Of one of his young aides-de-camp.

Although my co-conspirator

Had disappeared after day one,

Either shot or conscripted by

One of the several ignorant

Armies that get crass each night,

Or scarecrowed on the barbed wire like

A pallid Wykehamist poet,

Or fled through furtive channels to

Drink absinthe through the afternoon

Outside squalid bars in Irun,

Or turning tricks in Lisbon and

Insanely imagining that

Tomorrow there will be a berth

Towards a Brave New World.

But still, today’s Armistice Day,

The day they say the guns fall quiet,

Although the dead keep mounting up,

The refugees cower in their camps,

Boarded up in bomb-proof shelters,

Huddling in a fresh shell crater

While rumours multiply like lice,

Of traitors, tyrants, potions or

Of secret weapons, great new breakthroughs,

Final outcomes, Victory at last...

Though over what remains unclear:

The war aims remain to pursue

The War Aims. For King and Empire,

Queen and Country, or whatever

Construct now pertains for that old

Quagmire, moating a mud island

Covered with stockades of donkeys

All of an ancient pedigree

Braying, like they always have, long

Into the crackling night beside

Full mangers made of solid gold.

But even if the Armistice

Should turn out to be real, and holds,

Despite all previous ceasefires being broken

With all the martial rallying cries

More stinking wasted breath as more

Fresh corpses give up further ghosts;

But even if it holds, what then?

If you’ve caught the cut of Armistices’ gibs

You already should know what’s coming next:

After the emperors’ tumblings, then the coups,

Then the final clenched-teeth admission that

Futility is the least of war’s flaws,

The Peace Conference, the bragging revenge,

The brutal reparations, how they’ll bodge

Reimposing pre-War status quos,

The civil wars, the famines, revolutions,

The unemployment, the hunger marches,

The hollow hopelessness of promises

Of a land fit for heroes anyone

Could then look in the eye and not feel shame,

The lock-outs, means tests, shack towns, bread lines, wars,

The bank runs, market crashes, then the Nazis

And the re-run, and the

Re-run after that,

And never ever closer to the cracked

And sun-bleached uplands in the bleary distance.

So all in all hug this war close

In case it wrestles free to run

Capering away, laughing at

The looks upon our faces.

And me? I’m working up to digging trenches.