Plague Songs - Eden / by Rich Hobbs

Some years ago George Monbiot

Told me his rewilding schemes,

Worthy and exquisite plans

For reconnecting rootless we

    With the Eden in us all,

With our internal wilderness

Caught inside, like Milton said,

And trapped in dreams or yearning hope,

But with his help we can break out

    Of our enclosed hearts.

And although Covid’s done its best

To batter at the balustrades

Of human hubris, then as now

Nature still requires some help

    From her murderers’ hands.

Enlightening landowners was,

He said, the way to dam against

The ecocidal flood now washing

Through the laceholes of our boots

    And corroding all our souls.

There was a problem though, he said.

The landowners all loved his schemes,

And saw them as a final chance

To clear out all their tenants so

    A hundred wastelands bloom.

Which goes to show that, while poor George

Rambles on the path to hell,

His knapsack spilling good intentions

Like breadcrumbs in the hungry woods,

    Eden’s just bolus in the serpent’s guts.