Plague Songs - Supporting the Arts / by Rich Hobbs

A nervous hollow knocking on the door

The Judas window rattles open

Masked, in ragged motley, a dancer cringes

For a moment, retreating to the shadows,

Then edges forward, hunched, eyes darting,

Proceeding to perform a charmless caper

Groaning throatily in self accompaniment.

Stale crusts are jettisoned through the snapping hatch,

Are grabbed in one thin hand, the other

Knuckling the cap and bells

Before they sidle jangling out of sight 

To the adjoining cell there to reprise

The whole stupendous shtick.

And inside between the bars

A patch of sky can be beheld

Still grey and heavy with the neverending downpour

Which soaked to sludge the flyer slipped

Beneath the door, where lichen spreads

Around the nailheads long since hammered

Into its frame, boasting about the gaolers’

Continuing Investment in The Arts.